We do not buy and hope forever that the market will go up. We adapt to the market's direction to grow your wealth. We are responsive to change in the market, not its passive victims. 
Our Service
Our Service

We have invested many years of our research expertise and knowledge to provide you with two magnificent service plans. Our plans have been rigorously back tested so that you can step on this foundation with utmost confidence.

  • Guiding Star (GS):  It is primarily designed for busy professionals who desire a hassle free but sustained growth of their retirement accounts. Keeping  in mind the severe restrictions on trading in retirement accounts, this plan has very low rebalancing frequency. Our Guiding Star gives you steady growth with low risk.
  • Soaring Eagle (SE): It is designed for ambitious investors who have more flexibility in their trading accounts. Our Soaring Eagle provides you an exceptional tool to manage your investments confidently giving you higher returns with minimal risk.

Systems In Brief

  • Both plans only trade in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Individual stocks are not traded.
  • In both (Portfolio A and Portfolio B) Guiding Star portfolios we own up to 3 ETFs from a universe of about 5 ETFs representing five important  asset classes found in all employer managed retirement plans.
  • For the Soaring Eagle plan we own up to five ETFs from a universe of about 30 ETFs.
  • Portfolio A of Guiding Star and the Soaring Eagle portfolios are rebalanced once a month. Portfolio B of Guiding Star is rebalanced only once per quarter.
  • To perform the rebalancing you will be sent an email. It will contain precise instructions on which ETFs to buy, sell and how much of each ETF to own.
  • You shall receive this important email before the market open of the first trading day of the month and after the last closing of the market of the previous month, for the Soaring Eagle strategy and Portfolio A of the Guiding Star strategy. For Portfolio B of the Guiding Star strategy the email will only be sent before the first opening day of a new quarter and after the last closing of the market of the previous quarter.
  • You simply have to execute the instructions, from our email, in your account.

Systems In Detail

Description of the Guiding Star Strategy

Which portfolio do I follow A or B?
Answer: Portfolio A needs to be balanced once every month. Portfolio B needs to be balanced once every quarter. Depending on the trading restrictions in your retirement account you can follow either A or B.

What is an action signal?
Answer: This is a signal to take action. It involves either   
(i) buying or (ii) selling or (iii) doing both, with specific securities.

When is an action signal generated?
Answer: For portfolio A, an action signal is generated after the last closing of markets for the month and before the beginning of the first trading day of the next month. For portfolio B, an action signal is generated after the last closing of markets for the quarter and before the beginning of the first trading day of the next quarter.

How will I know of the signal change?
  You will be sent an email giving you actionable advice when the signal is generated. If you do not receive an email before the first opening of markets for the month, immediately contact us. There could be a problem with your email service not receiving our emails or placing them in the SPAM folder.  The email will come from the info@sensible-investing.com address.

What do I have to do once I receive the email?
Answer: You should take the specified action such as buying or selling securities mentioned in the email. Rarely may it happen that no action is recommended in which case you have to do no change in your holdings.

What accounts can I trade through?
Your investments can be in a regular brokerage account or in an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement accounts. The sum you invest, applying our system, is completely your decision. We just provide you actionable information in the form of signals listed above. It can be small percentage or a large portion of your investment assets. We do not have access or knowledge of your funds.

How can I know what signal is currently on?
Answer: The current signals will be sent to you by email within 24 hours of your subscription.

What investment vehicles do I use for trading?
Answer: We provide timing signals for two different portfolios of exchange traded funds (ETFs). We have chosen these ETFs to correspond to the most available ETFs and mutual funds in common retirement accounts. These represent broadly diversified asset classes. Choose the portfolio that most closely matches the investment choices in your retirement account. In case our ETFs are not available in your account then contact us. We will offer an initial consultation to match our ETFs with investment choices (ETFs or mutual funds) available to you. Then follow our signals with those options.
Our current ETFs in Portfolio A and Portfolio B have the following ticker symbols: AGG (US bonds), SPY (US large cap), IWM (US small cap), EFA (International developed markets) and IYR (US REITs).

Can you assist me in finding the right mutual fund or ETF from the available options in my employer sponsored plan?
Answer: On a case by case basis we may be able to help you find vehicles that most closely correlate with our signals. Contact us with your questions by email or by phone.

Description of the Soaring Eagle Strategy

What is an action signal?
Answer: This is a signal to take action. It involves either
(i) buying or (ii) selling or (iii) doing both, with specific securities.

When is an action signal generated?
Answer: An action signal is generated after the last closing of markets for the month and before the beginning of the first trading day of the next month.

How will I know of the signal change?
Answer:  You will be sent an email giving you actionable advice when the signal is generated. If you do not receive an email before the first opening of markets for the month, immediately contact us. There could be a problem with your email service not receiving our emails or placing them in the SPAM folder.  The email will come from the sales@sensible-investing.com address. 

What do I have to do once I receive the email?
Answer: You should take the specified action such as buying or selling securities mentioned in the email. Rarely may it happen that no action is recommended in which case you have to do no change in your holdings.

What accounts can I trade through?
Answer: For the Soaring Eagle strategy it is necessary for you to have access to all major ETFs in your investing account. These are available through any mainstream online brokerage account. Please see the types of ETFs we use listed below. Your investments can be in a regular brokerage account or in an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement accounts. The sum you invest, applying our system, is completely your decision. We just provide you actionable information in the form of signals listed above. It can be small percentage or a large portion of your investment assets. We do not have any access or knowledge of your funds.

How can I know what signal is currently on?
Answer: The current signals will be sent to you by email within 24 hours of your subscription.

What investment vehicles do I use for trading?
Answer: We provide timing signals for a portfolio of exchange traded funds (ETFs). The ETFs we use are a subset of the ones listed here: AMJ, AGG, DBA, DBB, DJP, EEM, EFA, EMB, EWA, EWJ, EWX, EWZ, FXE, FXI, FXY, GDX, GLD, HYG, IWM, MOO, MUB, RWX, SCZ, SH, SHV, SHY, SLV, SPY, TLT, USO, UUP and VNQ.

Can you assist me in finding the right mutual fund or ETF from the available options in my employer sponsored plan?
Answer: For the Soaring Eagle strategy we do not currently offer this service. You must have access to all ETFs we have listed above. Such a service is available for the Guiding Star strategy. 

Contact us with your questions by email at sales@sensible-investing.com

Are you ready to subscribe, then start a wonderful journey with us! We will walk you through the process. You just have to follow the steps!

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John Templeton teaches us: “Sell when you find a much better bargain to replace what you are selling.”

We have taken this teaching to heart. We do not believe in the buy and hold approach which has damaged most investors' portfolios recently.

Our monthly and quarterly trading systems give us direction to continually seek better opportunities as the market changes its valuation and direction.

Once you start using our dynamic asset allocation models you will never go back to the buy and hold (or rather hope) method.

For a financially safe and abundant future
Start your journey with us today!
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